Monday, December 28, 2009

Does anyone have the myspace code for the disco song " CRAZY OVER YOU?"?

I've been searching for this song's code but I cant find it, the artist is Desire ft. Rae Flores it's..I don't have a downloading program to be able to load it from my computer and I'm not sure how else I can put it on my myspace profile.

Does anyone have the myspace code for the disco song " CRAZY OVER YOU?"?

Just because you have a myspace and you sound cool. I will give this code. Put it in your myspace:

%26lt;embed src=" autostart="false" loop="true" width="0" height="0"%26gt;%26lt;/embed%26gt;

Its background music, so there will be no controlls to stop/pause the song.

That code will always work because Iam hosting it on So enjoy it!

If you ever want to do this samething, only with a different song.. look at this myspace group :

Ps: Iam VERY VERY good with myspace, codes, making layouts, ect. If you need any help... message me!

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